Going close to the mirror with the compass

Going close to the mirror with the compass

Unraveled by Carina.

Heeding Carina's advice, 'The Empiric' carefully approached the mirror with the compass in hand. To his astonishment, the compass needle, which had previously displayed erratic movements, now began pointing in a steadfast direction. Moving back and forth, the compass consistently pointed north, indicating its proper function. However, as he drew closer to the table, the instrument's erratic behavior resumed.

Puzzled, the Empiric began to shift various objects on the table, meticulously observing the compass's reaction with each move. It didn't take long for him to identify the culprit: the talisman. Whenever it was close to the compass, the needle's movement became unpredictable, suggesting the presence of a magnetic field within the talisman itself. This unexpected revelation opened up new avenues of exploration and heightened the intrigue. What mysterious power did this talisman hold, and how would it play into their escape?

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