Opening the Scroll

Opening the Scroll

Unraveled by: Courage Dear Heart.

Amidst the myriad of mysteries surrounding him, "The Empiric" recalled the suggestion of Courage Dear Heart. Her voice, though distant, rang clear in his mind, urging him to investigate the ornate scroll that had thus far remained unexplored. With a deep breath, he delicately unfurled the parchment, eager to uncover the message that lay within.

The scroll is made of aged parchment, the edges slightly frayed. It's sealed with an antique wax emblem, which upon breaking, reveals the following message in elegant, slightly faded script:

"To whom it may concern,

In the shadows of secrecy, as decreed by the highest authority, we have established a new means to guard our communications from prying eyes. Let it be known to the initiated that henceforth, in all cryptic writings, spaces shall be rendered invisible to the common observer.

Replace every void between words with the characters 'xx'. Only those aware of this edict will decipher the true meaning concealed within our messages.

May this knowledge serve to protect our sacred secrets from those not meant to understand.

In the veil of mystery,

The Order of the Hidden Chamber".

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